Dr. Christian Koch

  • 2020 - Dr. Christian Koch schloss sein Studium der Betirbeswirtschaftslehre an der German Graduate School of Management ans Law als Master of Science ab.
  • 01/2021-06/2024 - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, der FernUniversität in Hagen.
  • 04/2024 - Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol.


Dynamische Customer-Journey-Analyse – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methodik zur kontinuierlichen Prognose der Wertbeiträge von Werbekanälen.

Preise und Auszeichnungen

  • Best Paper Award in the “Digital and Social Media Marketing” Track der 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference für den Beitrag “Time Effects in Attribution Modeling”, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, zusammen mit C. D. Schultz, R. Olbrich und P. Brüggemann.
  • Best Paper Award (Runner Up) 2023 auf der Digital Marketing & eCommerce (DMeC) Conference.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen:

  • Koch, C./Schultz, C. D./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2024: Time Effects in Attribution Modeling, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, in press.
  • Schultz, C. D./Koch, C./Olbrich, R. 2024: Dark sides of artificial intelligence: The dangers of automated decision-making in search engine advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 75, 2024, No. 5, pp. 550-566.
  • Ampler, N./Koch, C./Olbrich, R. 2023: Who Buys When and Where? How Channel Design and Consumer Attributes Influence Customer Journey Outcomes, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Fourth International Conference, Springer, Cham, 28.-29.06.2023, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 9-19.
  • Koch, C./Olbrich, R. 2023: Dynamic Customer Journey Analysis in Multichannel Marketing – Literature Review, Empirical Study and Implications for Researchers and Advertisers in: Olbrich, R. (Ed.), Research papers from the Chair of Marketing, Research Paper No. 10, FernUniversität in Hagen 2023. [pdf download (PDF 953 KB)]
  • Koch, C./Lindenbeck, B./Olbrich, R. 2023: Dynamic customer journey analysis and its advertising impact, in: Journal of Strategic Marketing, online available.
  • Koch, C./Hartmann, M. 2022: Importance of the perceived quality of touchpoints for customer journey analysis – evidence from the B2B sector, in: Electronic Commerece Research, 2022.
  • Koch, C./Hartmann, M. 2022: The Impact of a Company Website and Its Perceived Quality on the Buying Intention in B2B-Settings, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Martinez, L. F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, 29.-30.06.2022, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 9-18.
  • Koch, C./Pförtsch, W. 2020: Effect Differences of Digital Nudging Along the Customer Journey, Proceedings of the 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference, 18.-20.08.2020, San Francisco, California, pp. 59-69.


  • Koch, C./Schultz, C. D./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2024: Time Effects in Attribution Modeling, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, 25.02.2024, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, (Vortrag C. Koch und P. Brüggemann).
  • Koch, C./Hartmann, M. 2022: The Impact of a Company Website and Its Perceived Quality on the Buying Intention in B2B-Settings, 2022 International Conference on Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, 29.-30.06.2022, Barcelona, Spain (Vortrag C. Koch).
  • Koch, C./Pförtsch, W. 2020: Effect Differences of Digital Nudging Along the Customer Journey, 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference, 20.08.2020 (online, Vortrag C. Koch).
Lehrstuhl Marketing | 02.07.2024